Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter B - Page 37

Bestrode () of Bestride

Bestriding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bestride

Bestride (v. t.) To stand or sit with anything between the legs, or with the legs astride; to stand over

Bestride (v. t.) To step over; to stride over or across; as, to bestride a threshold.

Bestrode () imp. & p. p. of Bestride.

Bestrown () p. p. of Bestrew.

Bestuck () imp. & p. p. Bestick.

Bestudded (imp. & p. p.) of Bestud

Bestudding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bestud

Bestud (v. t.) To set or adorn, as with studs or bosses; to set thickly; to stud; as, to bestud with stars.

Beswike (v. t.) To lure; to cheat.

Bet (n.) That which is laid, staked, or pledged, as between two parties, upon the event of a contest or any contingent issue; the act of giving such a pledge; a wager.

Bet (imp. & p. p.) of Bet

Betted () of Bet

Betting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bet

Bet (v. t.) To stake or pledge upon the event of a contingent issue; to wager.

Bet () imp. & p. p. of Beat.

Bet (a. & adv.) An early form of Better.

Betaine (n.) A nitrogenous base, C5H11NO2, produced artificially, and also occurring naturally in beet-root molasses and its residues, from which it is extracted as a white crystalline substance; -- called also lycine and oxyneurine. It has a sweetish taste.

Betook (imp.) of Betake

Betaken (p. p.) of Betake

Betaking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Betake

Betake (v. t.) To take or seize.

Betake (v. t.) To have recourse to; to apply; to resort; to go; -- with a reflexive pronoun.

Betake (v. t.) To commend or intrust to; to commit to.

Betaught (a.) Delivered; committed in trust.

Bete (v. t.) To better; to mend. See Beete.

Beteela (n.) An East India muslin, formerly used for cravats, veils, etc.

Beteem (a.) To give ; to bestow; to grant; to accord; to consent.

Beteem (a.) To allow; to permit; to suffer.

Betel (n.) A species of pepper (Piper betle), the leaves of which are chewed, with the areca or betel nut and a little shell lime, by the inhabitants of the East Indies. It is a woody climber with ovate many-nerved leaves.

Betelguese (n.) A bright star of the first magnitude, near one shoulder of Orion.

Betel nut () The nutlike seed of the areca palm, chewed in the East with betel leaves (whence its name) and shell lime.

Bete noire () Something especially hated or dreaded; a bugbear.

Bethabara wood () A highly elastic wood, used for fishing rods, etc. The tree is unknown, but it is thought to be East Indian.

Bethel (n.) A place of worship; a hallowed spot.

Bethel (n.) A chapel for dissenters.

Bethel (n.) A house of worship for seamen.

Bethought (imp. & p. p.) of Bethink

Bethinking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bethink

Bethink (v. t.) To call to mind; to recall or bring to recollection, reflection, or consideration; to think; to consider; -- generally followed by a reflexive pronoun, often with of or that before the subject of thought.

Bethink (v. i.) To think; to recollect; to consider.

Bethlehem (n.) A hospital for lunatics; -- corrupted into bedlam.

Bethlehem (n.) In the Ethiopic church, a small building attached to a church edifice, in which the bread for the eucharist is made.

Bethlehemite (n.) Alt. of Bethlemite

Bethlemite (n.) An inhabitant of Bethlehem in Judea.

Bethlemite (n.) An insane person; a madman; a bedlamite.

Bethlemite (n.) One of an extinct English order of monks.

Bethought () imp. & p. p. of Bethink.

Bethrall (v. t.) To reduce to thralldom; to inthrall.

Bethumb (v. t.) To handle; to wear or soil by handling; as books.

Bethumped (imp. & p. p.) of Bethump

Bethumpt () of Bethump

Bethumping (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bethump

Bethump (v. t.) To beat or thump soundly.

Betided (imp. & p. p.) of Betide

Betid (Obs) of Betide

Betiding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Betide

Betide (v. t.) To happen to; to befall; to come to ; as, woe betide the wanderer.

Betide (v. i.) To come to pass; to happen; to occur.

Betime (adv.) Alt. of Betimes

Betimes (adv.) In good season or time; before it is late; seasonably; early.

Betimes (adv.) In a short time; soon; speedily; forth with.

Betitle (v. t.) To furnish with a title or titles; to entitle.

Betokened (imp. & p. p.) of Betoken

Betokening (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Betoken

Betoken (v. t.) To signify by some visible object; to show by signs or tokens.

Betoken (v. t.) To foreshow by present signs; to indicate something future by that which is seen or known; as, a dark cloud often betokens a storm.

Beton (n.) The French name for concrete; hence, concrete made after the French fashion.

Betongue (v. t.) To attack with the tongue; to abuse; to insult.

Betonies (pl. ) of Betony

Betony (n.) A plant of the genus Betonica (Linn.).

Betook () imp. of Betake.

Betorn (a.) Torn in pieces; tattered.

Betossed (imp. & p. p.) of Betoss

Betoss (v. t.) To put in violent motion; to agitate; to disturb; to toss.

Betrapped (imp. & p. p.) of Betrap

Betrap (v. t.) To draw into, or catch in, a trap; to insnare; to circumvent.

Betrap (v. t.) To put trappings on; to clothe; to deck.

Betrayed (imp. & p. p.) of Betray

Betraying (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Betray

Betray (v. t.) To deliver into the hands of an enemy by treachery or fraud, in violation of trust; to give up treacherously or faithlessly; as, an officer betrayed the city.

Betray (v. t.) To prove faithless or treacherous to, as to a trust or one who trusts; to be false to; to deceive; as, to betray a person or a cause.

Betray (v. t.) To violate the confidence of, by disclosing a secret, or that which one is bound in honor not to make known.

Betray (v. t.) To disclose or discover, as something which prudence would conceal; to reveal unintentionally.

Betray (v. t.) To mislead; to expose to inconvenience not foreseen to lead into error or sin.

Betray (v. t.) To lead astray, as a maiden; to seduce (as under promise of marriage) and then abandon.

Betray (v. t.) To show or to indicate; -- said of what is not obvious at first, or would otherwise be concealed.

Betrayal (n.) The act or the result of betraying.

Betrayer (n.) One who, or that which, betrays.

Betrayment (n.) Betrayal.

Betrimmed (imp. & p. p.) of Betrim

Betrimming (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Betrim

Betrim (v. t.) To set in order; to adorn; to deck, to embellish; to trim.

Betrothed (imp. & p. p.) of Betroth

Betrothing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Betroth

Betroth (v. t.) To contract to any one for a marriage; to engage or promise in order to marriage; to affiance; -- used esp. of a woman.

Betroth (v. t.) To promise to take (as a future spouse); to plight one's troth to.

Betroth (v. t.) To nominate to a bishopric, in order to consecration.

Betrothal (n.) The act of betrothing, or the fact of being betrothed; a mutual promise, engagement, or contract for a future marriage between the persons betrothed; betrothment; affiance.

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