Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter B - Page 36

Bespatter (v. t.) To asperse with calumny or reproach.

Bespawl (v. t.) To daub, soil, or make foul with spawl or spittle.

Bespoke (imp.) of Bespeak

Bespake () of Bespeak

Bespoke (p. p.) of Bespeak

Bespoken () of Bespeak

Bespeaking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bespeak

Bespeak (v. t.) To speak or arrange for beforehand; to order or engage against a future time; as, to bespeak goods, a right, or a favor.

Bespeak (v. t.) To show beforehand; to foretell; to indicate.

Bespeak (v. t.) To betoken; to show; to indicate by external marks or appearances.

Bespeak (v. t.) To speak to; to address.

Bespeak (v. i.) To speak.

Bespeak (n.) A bespeaking. Among actors, a benefit (when a particular play is bespoken.)

Bespeaker (n.) One who bespeaks.

Bespeckled (imp. & p. p.) of Bespeckle

Bespeckling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bespeckle

Bespeckle (v. t.) To mark with speckles or spots.

Bespew (v. t.) To soil or daub with spew; to vomit on.

Bespice (v. t.) To season with spice, or with some spicy drug.

Bespirt (v. t.) Same as Bespurt.

Bespit (imp.) of Bespit

Bespit (p. p.) of Bespit

Bespitten () of Bespit

Bespitting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bespit

Bespit (v. t.) To daub or soil with spittle.

Bespoke () imp. & p. p. of Bespeak.

Bespotted (imp. & p. p.) of Bespot

Bespotting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bespot

Bespot (v. t.) To mark with spots, or as with spots.

Bespread (imp. & p. p.) of Bespread

Bespreading (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bespread

Bespread (v. t.) To spread or cover over.

Besprent (p. p.) Sprinkled over; strewed.

Besprinkled (imp. & p. p.) of Besprinkle

Besprinkling (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Besprinkle

Besprinkle (v. t.) To sprinkle over; to scatter over.

Besprinkler (n.) One who, or that which, besprinkles.

Besprinkling (n.) The act of sprinkling anything; a sprinkling over.

Bespurt (v. t.) To spurt on or over; to asperse.

Bessemer steel () Steel made directly from cast iron, by burning out a portion of the carbon and other impurities that the latter contains, through the agency of a blast of air which is forced through the molten metal; -- so called from Sir Henry Bessemer, an English engineer, the inventor of the process.

Best (a.) Having good qualities in the highest degree; most good, kind, desirable, suitable, etc.; most excellent; as, the best man; the best road; the best cloth; the best abilities.

Best (a.) Most advanced; most correct or complete; as, the best scholar; the best view of a subject.

Best (a.) Most; largest; as, the best part of a week.

Best (n.) Utmost; highest endeavor or state; most nearly perfect thing, or being, or action; as, to do one's best; to the best of our ability.

Best (superl.) In the highest degree; beyond all others.

Best (superl.) To the most advantage; with the most success, case, profit, benefit, or propriety.

Best (superl.) Most intimately; most thoroughly or correctly; as, what is expedient is best known to himself.

Best (v. t.) To get the better of.

Bestad (imp. & p. p.) Beset; put in peril.

Bestain (v. t.) To stain.

Bestarred (imp. & p. p.) of Bestar

Bestar (v. t.) To sprinkle with, or as with, stars; to decorate with, or as with, stars; to bestud.

Bestead (imp. & p. p.) of Bestead

Bested () of Bestead

Bestad () of Bestead

Besteaded () of Bestead

Bestead (v. t.) To put in a certain situation or condition; to circumstance; to place.

Bestead (v. t.) To put in peril; to beset.

Bestead (v. t.) To serve; to assist; to profit; to avail.

Bestial (a.) Belonging to a beast, or to the class of beasts.

Bestial (a.) Having the qualities of a beast; brutal; below the dignity of reason or humanity; irrational; carnal; beastly; sensual.

Bestial (n.) A domestic animal; also collectively, cattle; as, other kinds of bestial.

Bestiality (n.) The state or quality of being bestial.

Bestiality (n.) Unnatural connection with a beast.

Bestialized (imp. & p. p.) of Bestialize

Bestializing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bestialize

Bestialize (v. t.) To make bestial, or like a beast; to degrade; to brutalize.

Bestially (adv.) In a bestial manner.

Bestuck (imp. & p. p.) of Bestick

Besticking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bestick

Bestick (v. t.) To stick over, as with sharp points pressed in; to mark by infixing points or spots here and there; to pierce.

Bestill (v. t.) To make still.

Bestirred (imp. & p. p.) of Bestir

Bestirring (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bestir

Bestir (v. t.) To put into brisk or vigorous action; to move with life and vigor; -- usually with the reciprocal pronoun.

Bestorm (v. i. & t.) To storm.

Bestowed (imp. & p. p.) of Bestow

Bestowing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bestow

Bestow (v. t.) To lay up in store; to deposit for safe keeping; to stow; to place; to put.

Bestow (v. t.) To use; to apply; to devote, as time or strength in some occupation.

Bestow (v. t.) To expend, as money.

Bestow (v. t.) To give or confer; to impart; -- with on or upon.

Bestow (v. t.) To give in marriage.

Bestow (v. t.) To demean; to conduct; to behave; -- followed by a reflexive pronoun.

Bestowal (n.) The act of bestowing; disposal.

Bestower (n.) One that bestows.

Bestowment (n.) The act of giving or bestowing; a conferring or bestowal.

Bestowment (n.) That which is given or bestowed.

Bestraddle (v. t.) To bestride.

Bestraught (a.) Out of one's senses; distracted; mad.

Bestreak (v. t.) To streak.

Bestrewed (imp.) of Bestrew

Bestrewed (p. p.) of Bestrew

Bestrown () of Bestrew

Bestrewing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Bestrew

Bestrew (v. t.) To strew or scatter over; to besprinkle.

Bestrode (imp.) of Bestride

Bestrid () of Bestride

Bestridden (p. p.) of Bestride

Bestrid () of Bestride

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