Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter T - Page 83

Tubercle (n.) A small mass or aggregation of morbid matter; especially, the deposit which accompanies scrofula or phthisis. This is composed of a hard, grayish, or yellowish, translucent or opaque matter, which gradually softens, and excites suppuration in its vicinity. It is most frequently found in the lungs, causing consumption.

Tubercled (a.) Having tubercles; affected with, tubercles; tuberculate; as, a tubercled lung or stalk.

Tubercular (a.) Having tubercles; affected with tubercles; tubercled; tuberculate.

Tubercular (a.) Like a tubercle; as, a tubercular excrescence.

Tubercular (a.) Characterized by the development of tubercles; as, tubercular diathesis.

Tuberculate (a.) Alt. of Tuberculated

Tuberculated (a.) Tubercled; tubercular.

Tuberculin (n.) A fluid containing the products formed by the growth of the tubercle bacillus in a suitable culture medium.

Tuberculization (n.) The development of tubercles; the condition of one who is affected with tubercles.

Tuberculose (a.) Alt. of Tuberculous

Tuberculous (a.) Having tubercles; affected with, or characterized by, tubercles; tubercular.

Tuberculosis (n.) A constitutional disease characterized by the production of tubercles in the internal organs, and especially in the lungs, where it constitutes the most common variety of pulmonary consumption.

Tubercula (pl. ) of Tuberculum

Tuberculum (n.) A tubercle.

Tuberiferous (a.) Producing or bearing tubers.

Tuberose (n.) A plant (Polianthes tuberosa) with a tuberous root and a liliaceous flower. It is much cultivated for its beautiful and fragrant white blossoms.

Tuberose (a.) Tuberous.

Tuberosities (pl. ) of Tuberosity

Tuberosity (n.) The state of being tuberous.

Tuberosity (n.) An obtuse or knoblike prominence; a protuberance.

Tuberous (a.) Covered with knobby or wartlike prominences; knobbed.

Tuberous (a.) Consisting of, or bearing, tubers; resembling a tuber.

Tube-shell (n.) Any bivalve mollusk which secretes a shelly tube around its siphon, as the watering-shell.

Tubeworm (n.) Any annelid which constructs a tube; one of the Tubicolae.

Tubfish (n.) The sapphirine gurnard (Trigla hirundo). See Illust. under Gurnard.

Tubfuls (pl. ) of Tubful

Tubful (n.) As much as a tub will hold; enough to fill a tub.

Tubicinate (v. i.) To blow a trumpet.

Tubicolae (n. pl.) A division of annelids including those which construct, and habitually live in, tubes. The head or anterior segments usually bear gills and cirri. Called also Sedentaria, and Capitibranchiata. See Serpula, and Sabella.

Tubicolar (a.) Tubicolous.

Tubicole (n.) One of the Tubicolae.

Tubicolous (a.) Inhabiting a tube; as, tubicolous worms.

Tubicorn (n.) Any ruminant having horns composed of a bony axis covered with a horny sheath; a hollow-horned ruminant.

Tubicornous (a.) Having hollow horns.

Tubiform (a.) Having the form of a tube; tubeform.

Tubinares (n. pl.) A tribe of sea birds comprising the petrels, shearwaters, albatrosses, hagdons, and allied birds having tubular horny nostrils.

Tubing (n.) The act of making tubes.

Tubing (n.) A series of tubes; tubes, collectively; a length or piece of a tube; material for tubes; as, leather tubing.

Tubipora (n.) A genus of halcyonoids in which the skeleton, or coral (called organ-pipe coral), consists of a mass of parallel cylindrical tubes united at intervals by transverse plates. These corals are usually red or purple and form large masses. They are natives of the tropical parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Tubipore (n.) Any species of the genus Tubipora.

Tubiporite (n.) Any fossil coral of the genus Syringopora consisting of a cluster of upright tubes united together by small transverse tubules.

Tubivalve (n.) A shell or tube formed by an annelid, as a serpula.

Tubmen (pl. ) of Tubman

Tubman (n.) One of the two most experienced barristers in the Court of Exchequer. Cf. Postman, 2.

Tubular (a.) Having the form of a tube, or pipe; consisting of a pipe; fistular; as, a tubular snout; a tubular calyx. Also, containing, or provided with, tubes.

Tubularia (n.) A genus of hydroids having large, naked, flowerlike hydranths at the summits of long, slender, usually simple, stems. The gonophores are small, and form clusters at the bases of the outer tentacles.

Tubulariae (n. pl.) See Tubularida.

Tubularian (n.) Any hydroid belonging to the suborder Tubularida.

Tubularian (a.) Of or pertaining to the tubularians.

Tubularida (n. pl.) An extensive division of Hydroidea; the tubularians; -- called also Athecata, Gymnoblastea, and Tubulariae.

Tubulate (a.) Tubular; tubulated; tubulous.

Tubulated (a.) Made in the form of a small tube; provided with a tube, or elongated opening.

Tubulation (n.) The act of shaping or making a tube, or of providing with a tube; also, a tube or tubulure; as, the tubulation of a retort.

Tubulature (n.) A tubulure.

Tubule (n.) A small pipe or fistular body; a little tube.

Tubule (n.) A minute tube lined with glandular epithelium; as, the uriniferous tubules of the kidney.

Tubulibranchian (n.) One of the Tubulibranchiata.

Tubulibranchiata (n. pl.) A group of gastropod mollusks having a tubular shell. Vermetus is an example.

Tubulicole (n.) Any hydroid which has tubular chitinous stems.

Tubulidentate (a.) Having teeth traversed by canals; -- said of certain edentates.

Tubuliform (a.) Having the form of a small tube.

Tubulipore (n.) Any one of numerous species of Bryozoa belonging to Tubulipora and allied genera, having tubular calcareous calicles.

Tubulose (a.) Alt. of Tubulous

Tubulous (a.) Resembling, or in the form of, a tube; longitudinally hollow; specifically (Bot.), having a hollow cylindrical corolla, often expanded or toothed at the border; as, a tubulose flower.

Tubulous (a.) Containing, or consisting of, small tubes; specifically (Bot.), composed wholly of tubulous florets; as, a tubulous compound flower.

Tubulure (n.) A short tubular opening at the top of a retort, or at the top or side of a bottle; a tubulation.

Tucan (n.) The Mexican pocket gopher (Geomys Mexicanus). It resembles the common pocket gopher of the Western United States, but is larger. Called also tugan, and tuza.

Tucet (n.) See Tucket, a steak.

Tuch (n.) A dark-colored kind of marble; touchstone.

Tuck (n.) A long, narrow sword; a rapier.

Tuck (n.) The beat of a drum.

Tucked (imp. & p. p.) of Tuck

Tucking (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Tuck

Tuck (v. t.) To draw up; to shorten; to fold under; to press into a narrower compass; as, to tuck the bedclothes in; to tuck up one's sleeves.

Tuck (v. t.) To make a tuck or tucks in; as, to tuck a dress.

Tuck (v. t.) To inclose; to put within; to press into a close place; as, to tuck a child into a bed; to tuck a book under one's arm, or into a pocket.

Tuck (v. t.) To full, as cloth.

Tuck (v. i.) To contract; to draw together.

Tuck (n.) A horizontal sewed fold, such as is made in a garment, to shorten it; a plait.

Tuck (n.) A small net used for taking fish from a larger one; -- called also tuck-net.

Tuck (n.) A pull; a lugging.

Tuck (n.) The part of a vessel where the ends of the bottom planks meet under the stern.

Tuck (n.) Food; pastry; sweetmeats.

Tuckahoe (n.) A curious vegetable production of the Southern Atlantic United States, growing under ground like a truffle and often attaining immense size. The real nature is unknown. Called also Indian bread, and Indian loaf.

Tucker (n.) One who, or that which, tucks; specifically, an instrument with which tuck are made.

Tucker (n.) A narrow piece of linen or the like, folded across the breast, or attached to the gown at the neck, forming a part of a woman's dress in the 17th century and later.

Tucker (v. t.) A fuller.

Tucker (v. t.) To tire; to weary; -- usually with out.

Tucket (n.) A slight flourish on a trumpet; a fanfare.

Tucket (n.) A steak; a collop.

Tuck-net (n.) See Tuck, n., 2.

Tucum (n.) A fine, strong fiber obtained from the young leaves of a Brazilian palm (Astrocaryum vulgare), used for cordage, bowstrings, etc.; also, the plant yielding this fiber. Called also tecum, and tecum fiber.

Tucuma (n.) A Brazilian palm (Astrocaryum Tucuma) which furnishes an edible fruit.

Tudor (a.) Of or pertaining to a royal line of England, descended from Owen Tudor of Wales, who married the widowed queen of Henry V. The first reigning Tudor was Henry VII.; the last, Elizabeth.

Tue (n.) The parson bird.

Tuefall (n.) See To-fall.

Tue-iron (n.) See Tuyere.

Tue-irons (n. pl.) A pair of blacksmith's tongs.

Tuesday (n.) The third day of the week, following Monday and preceding Wednesday.

Tuet (n.) The lapwing.

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