Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter S - Page 44

Self-convicted (a.) Convicted by one's own consciousness, knowledge, avowal, or acts.

Self-conviction (n.) The act of convicting one's self, or the state of being self-convicted.

Self-created (a.) Created by one's self; not formed or constituted by another.

Self-culture (n.) Culture, training, or education of one's self by one's own efforts.

Self-deceit (n.) The act of deceiving one's self, or the state of being self-deceived; self-deception.

Self-deceived (a.) Deceived or misled respecting one's self by one's own mistake or error.

Self-deception (n.) Self-deceit.

Self-defence (n.) See Self-defense.

Self-defense (n.) The act of defending one's own person, property, or reputation.

Self-defensive (a.) Defending, or tending to defend, one's own person, property, or reputation.

Self-degradation (n.) The act of degrading one's self, or the state of being so degraded.

Self-delation (n.) Accusation of one's self.

Self-delusion (n.) The act of deluding one's self, or the state of being thus deluded.

Self-denial (n.) The denial of one's self; forbearing to gratify one's own desires; self-sacrifice.

Self-denying (a.) Refusing to gratify one's self; self-sacrificing.

Self-dependent (a.) Dependent on one's self; self-depending; self-reliant.

Self-depending (a.) Depending on one's self.

Self-depraved (a.) Corrupted or depraved by one's self.

Self-destroyer (n.) One who destroys himself; a suicide.

Self-destruction (n.) The destruction of one's self; self-murder; suicide.

Self-destructive (a.) Destroying, or tending to destroy, one's self or itself; rucidal.

Self-determination (n.) Determination by one's self; or, determination of one's acts or states without the necessitating force of motives; -- applied to the voluntary or activity.

Self-determining (a.) Capable of self-determination; as, the self-determining power of will.

Self-devised (a.) Devised by one's self.

Self-devoted (a.) Devoted in person, or by one's own will.

Self-devotement (n.) Self-devotion.

Self-devotion (n.) The act of devoting one's self, or the state of being self-devoted; willingness to sacrifice one's own advantage or happiness for the sake of others; self-sacrifice.

Self-devouring (a.) Devouring one's self or itself.

Self-diffusive (a.) Having power to diffuse itself; diffusing itself.

Self-discipline (n.) Correction or government of one's self for the sake of improvement.

Self-distrust (n.) Want of confidence in one' self; diffidence.

Self-educated (a.) Educated by one's own efforts, without instruction, or without pecuniary assistance from others.

Self-elective (a.) Having the right of electing one's self, or, as a body, of electing its own members.

Self-enjoyment (n.) Enjoyment of one's self; self-satisfaction.

Self-esteem (n.) The holding a good opinion of one's self; self-complacency.

Self-estimation (n.) The act of estimating one's self; self-esteem.

Self-evidence (n.) The quality or state of being self-evident.

Self-evident (a.) Evident without proof or reasoning; producing certainty or conviction upon a bare presentation to the mind; as, a self-evident proposition or truth.

Self-evolution (n.) Evolution of one's self; development by inherent quality or power.

Self-exaltation (n.) The act of exalting one's self, or the state of being so exalted.

Self-examinant (n.) One who examines himself; one given to self-examination.

Self-examination (n.) An examination into one's own state, conduct, and motives, particularly in regard to religious feelings and duties.

Self-existence (n.) Inherent existence; existence possessed by virtue of a being's own nature, and independent of any other being or cause; -- an attribute peculiar to God.

Self-existent (a.) Existing of or by himself,independent of any other being or cause; -- as, God is the only self-existent being.

self-explaining (a.) Explaining itself; capable of being understood without explanation.

Self-exposure (n.) The act of exposing one's self; the state of being so exposed.

Self-fertilization (n.) The fertilization of a flower by pollen from the same flower and without outer aid; autogamy.

Self-fertilized (a.) Fertilized by pollen from the same flower.

Self-glorious (a.) Springing from vainglory or vanity; vain; boastful.

Self-government (n.) The act of governing one's self, or the state of being governed by one's self; self-control; self-command.

Self-government (n.) Hence, government of a community, state, or nation by the joint action of the mass of people constituting such a civil body; also, the state of being so governed; democratic government; democracy.

Self-gratulation (n.) Gratulation of one's self.

Self-heal (n.) A blue-flowered labiate plant (Brunella vulgaris); the healall.

Self-healing (a.) Having the power or property of healing itself.

Self-help (n.) The act of aiding one's self, without depending on the aid of others.

Self-homicide (n.) The act of killing one's self; suicide.

Selfhood (n.) Existence as a separate self, or independent person; conscious personality; individuality.

Self-ignorance (n.) Ignorance of one's own character, powers, and limitations.

Self-ignorant (a.) Ignorant of one's self.

Self-imparting (a.) Imparting by one's own, or by its own, powers and will.

Self-importance (n.) An exaggerated estimate of one's own importance or merit, esp. as manifested by the conduct or manners; self-conceit.

Self-important (a.) Having or manifesting an exaggerated idea of one's own importance or merit.

Self-imposed (a.) Voluntarily taken on one's self; as, self-imposed tasks.

Self-imposture (n.) Imposture practiced on one's self; self-deceit.

Self-indignation (n.) Indignation at one's own character or actions.

Self-indulgence (n.) Indulgence of one's appetites, desires, or inclinations; -- the opposite of self-restraint, and self-denial.

Self-indulgent (a.) Indulging one's appetites, desires, etc., freely.

Self-interest (n.) Private interest; the interest or advantage of one's self.

Self-interested (a.) Particularly concerned for one's own interest or happiness.

Self-involution (n.) Involution in one's self; hence, abstraction of thought; reverie.

Selfish (a.) Caring supremely or unduly for one's self; regarding one's own comfort, advantage, etc., in disregard, or at the expense, of those of others.

Selfish (a.) Believing or teaching that the chief motives of human action are derived from love of self.

Selfishly (adv.) In a selfish manner; with regard to private interest only or chiefly.

Selfishness (n.) The quality or state of being selfish; exclusive regard to one's own interest or happiness; that supreme self-love or self-preference which leads a person to direct his purposes to the advancement of his own interest, power, or happiness, without regarding those of others.

Selfism (n.) Concentration of one's interests on one's self; self-love; selfishness.

Selfist (n.) A selfish person.

Self-justifier (n.) One who excuses or justifies himself.

Self-kindled (a.) Kindled of itself, or without extraneous aid or power.

Self-knowing (a.) Knowing one's self, or one's own character, powers, and limitations.

Self-knowing (a.) Knowing of itself, without help from another.

Self-knowledge (n.) Knowledge of one's self, or of one's own character, powers, limitations, etc.

Selfless (a.) Having no regard to self; unselfish.

Selflessness (n.) Quality or state of being selfless.

Self-life (n.) Life for one's self; living solely or chiefly for one's own pleasure or good.

Self-love (n.) The love of one's self; desire of personal happiness; tendency to seek one's own benefit or advantage.

Self-luminous (a.) Possessing in itself the property of emitting light.

Self-made (a.) Made by one's self.

Self-mettle (n.) Inborn mettle or courage; one's own temper.

Self-motion (n.) Motion given by inherent power, without external impulse; spontaneus or voluntary motion.

Self-moved (a.) Moved by inherent power., without the aid of external impulse.

Self-moving (a.) Moving by inherent power, without the aid of external impulse.

Self-murder (a.) Suicide.

Self-murderer (n.) A suicide.

Self-neglecting (n.) A neglecting of one's self, or of one's own interests.

Selfness (n.) Selfishness.

Self-one (a.) Secret.

Self-opinion (n.) Opinion, especially high opinion, of one's self; an overweening estimate of one's self or of one's own opinion.

Self-opinioned (a.) Having a high opinion of one's self; opinionated; conceited.

Self-opininating (a.) Beginning wwith, or springing from, one's self.

Self-partiality (n.) That partiality to himself by which a man overrates his own worth when compared with others.

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