Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter M - Page 56

Mismanage (v. t. & i.) To manage ill or improperly; as, to mismanage public affairs.

Mismanagement (n.) Wrong or bad management; as, he failed through mismagement.

Mismanager (n.) One who manages ill.

Mismark (v. t.) To mark wrongly.

Mismatch (v. t.) To match unsuitably.

Mismate (v. t.) To mate wrongly or unsuitably; as, to mismate gloves or shoes; a mismated couple.

Mismeasure (v. t.) To measure or estimate incorrectly.

Mismeasurement (n.) Wrong measurement.

Mismeter (v. t.) To give the wrong meter to, as to a line of verse.

Misname (v. t.) To call by the wrong name; to give a wrong or inappropriate name to.

Misnomer (n.) The misnaming of a person in a legal instrument, as in a complaint or indictment; any misnaming of a person or thing; a wrong or inapplicable name or title.

Misnomer (v. t.) To misname.

Misnumber (v. t.) To number wrongly.

Misnurture (v. t.) To nurture or train wrongly; as, to misnurture children.

Misobedience (n.) Mistaken obedience; disobedience.

Misobserve (v. t.) To observe inaccurately; to mistake in observing.

Misobserver (n.) One who misobserves; one who fails to observe properly.

Misogamist (n.) A hater of marriage.

Misogamy (n.) Hatre/ of marriage.

Misogynist (n.) A woman hater.

Misogynous (a.) Hating women.

Misogyny (n.) Hatred of women.

Misology (n.) Hatred of argument or discussion; hatred of enlightenment.

Misopinion (n.) Wrong opinion.

Misorder (v. t.) To order ill; to manage erroneously; to conduct badly.

Misorder (n.) Irregularity; disorder.

Misorderly (a.) Irregular; disorderly.

Misordination (n.) Wrong ordination.

Misotheism (n.) Hatred of God.

Mispaint (v. t.) To paint ill, or wrongly.

Mispassion (n.) Wrong passion or feeling.

Mispay (v. t.) To dissatisfy.

Mispell (v. t.) Alt. of Mispend

Mispend (v. t.) See Misspell, Misspend, etc.

Mispense (n.) See Misspense.

Misperception (n.) Erroneous perception.

Mispersuade (v. t.) To persuade amiss.

Mispersuasion (n.) A false persuasion; wrong notion or opinion.

Mispickel (n.) Arsenical iron pyrites; arsenopyrite.

Misplaced (imp. & p. p.) of Misplace

Misplacing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Misplace

Misplace (v. t.) To put in a wrong place; to set or place on an improper or unworthy object; as, he misplaced his confidence.

Misplacement (n.) The act of misplacing, or the state of being misplaced.

Misplead (v. i.) To err in pleading.

Mispleading (n.) An error in pleading.

Mispoint (v. t.) To point improperly; to punctuate wrongly.

Mispolicy (n.) Wrong policy; impolicy.

Mispractice (n.) Wrong practice.

Mispraise (v. t.) To praise amiss.

Misprint (v. t.) To print wrong.

Misprint (n.) A mistake in printing; a deviation from the copy; as, a book full of misprints.

Misprise (v. t.) See Misprize.

Misprise (v. t.) To mistake.

Misprision (n.) The act of misprising; misapprehension; misconception; mistake.

Misprision (n.) Neglect; undervaluing; contempt.

Misprision (n.) A neglect, negligence, or contempt.

Misprize (v.) To slight or undervalue.

Misproceeding (n.) Wrong or irregular proceding.

Misprofess (v. i.) To make a false profession; to make pretensions to skill which is not possessed.

Misprofess (v. t.) To make a false profession of.

Mispronounced (imp. & p. p.) of Mispronounce

Mispronouncing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mispronounce

Mispronounce (v. t. & i.) To pronounce incorrectly.

Mispronunciation (n.) Wrong or improper pronunciation.

Misproportion (v. t.) To give wrong proportions to; to join without due proportion.

Misproud (a.) Viciously proud.

Mispunctuate (v. t.) To punctuate wrongly or incorrectly.

Misquotation (n.) Erroneous or inaccurate quotation.

Misquote (v. t. & i.) To quote erroneously or incorrectly.

Misraise (v. t.) To raise or exite unreasonable.

Misrate (v. t.) To rate erroneously.

Misread (imp. & p. p.) of Misread

Misreading (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Misread

Misread (v. t.) To read amiss; to misunderstand in reading.

Misreceive (v. t.) To receive wrongly.

Misrecital (n.) An inaccurate recital.

Misrecite (v. t. & i.) To recite erroneously.

Misreckon (v. t. & i.) To reckon wrongly; to miscalculate.

Misreckoning (n.) An erroneous computation.

Misrecollect (v. t. & i.) To have an erroneous remembrance of; to suppose erroneously that one recollects.

Misrecollection (n.) Erroneous or inaccurate recollection.

Misreform (v. t.) To reform wrongly or imperfectly.

Misregard (n.) Wrong understanding; misconstruction.

Misregulate (v. t.) To regulate wrongly or imperfectly; to fail to regulate.

Misrehearse (v. t.) To rehearse or quote incorrectly.

Misrelate (v. t.) To relate inaccurately.

Misrelation (n.) Erroneous relation or narration.

Misreligion (n.) False religion.

Misremember (v. t. & i.) To mistake in remembering; not to remember correctly.

Misrender (v. t.) To render wrongly; to translate or recite wrongly.

Misrepeat (v. t.) To repeat wrongly; to give a wrong version of.

Misreport (v. t. & i.) To report erroneously; to give an incorrect account of.

Misreport (n.) An erroneous report; a false or incorrect account given.

Misrepresent (v. t.) To represent incorrectly (almost always, unfacorably); to give a false erroneous representation of, either maliciously, ignirantly, or carelessly.

Misrepresent (v. i.) To make an incorrect or untrue representation.

Misrepresentation (n.) Untrue representation; false or incorrect statement or account; -- usually unfavorable to the thing represented; as, a misrepresentation of a person's motives.

Misrepresentative (a.) Tending to convey a wrong impression; misrepresenting.

Misrepresenter (n.) One who misrepresents.

Misrepute (v. t.) To have in wrong estimation; to repute or estimate erroneously.

Misrule (v. t. & i.) To rule badly; to misgovern.

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