Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter M - Page 53

Miscellanarian (n.) A writer of miscellanies.

Miscellane (n.) A mixture of two or more sorts of grain; -- now called maslin and meslin.

Miscellanea (n. pl.) A collection of miscellaneous matters; matters of various kinds.

Miscellaneous (a.) Mixed; mingled; consisting of several things; of diverse sorts; promiscuous; heterogeneous; as, a miscellaneous collection.

Miscellanist (n.) A writer of miscellanies; miscellanarian.

Miscellanies (pl. ) of Miscellany

Miscellany (n.) A mass or mixture of various things; a medley; esp., a collection of compositions on various subjects.

Miscellany (a.) Miscellaneous; heterogeneous.

Miscensure (v. t.) To misjudge.

Miscensure (n.) Erroneous judgment.

Mischance (n.) Ill luck; ill fortune; mishap.

Mischance (v. i.) To happen by mischance.

Mischanceful (a.) Unlucky.

Mischaracterize (v. t.) To characterize falsely or erroneously; to give a wrong character to.

Mischarge (v. t.) To charge erroneously, as in account.

Mischarge (n.) A mistake in charging.

Mischief (n.) Harm; damage; esp., disarrangement of order; trouble or vexation caused by human agency or by some living being, intentionally or not; often, calamity, mishap; trivial evil caused by thoughtlessness, or in sport.

Mischief (n.) Cause of trouble or vexation; trouble.

Mischief (v. t.) To do harm to.

Mischiefable (a.) Mischievous.

Mischiefful (a.) Mischievous.

Mischief-maker (n.) One who makes mischief; one who excites or instigates quarrels or enmity.

Mischief-making (a.) Causing harm; exciting enmity or quarrels.

Mischief-making (n.) The act or practice of making mischief, inciting quarrels, etc.

Mischievous (a.) Causing mischief; harmful; hurtful; -- now often applied where the evil is done carelessly or in sport; as, a mischievous child.

Mischna (n.) See Mishna.

Mischnic (a.) See Mishnic.

Mischose (imp.) of Mischoose

Mischosen (p. p.) of Mischoose

Mischoosing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mischoose

Mischoose (v. t.) To choose wrongly.

Mischoose (v. i.) To make a wrong choice.

Mischristen (v. t.) To christen wrongly.

Miscibility (n.) Capability of being mixed.

Miscible (a.) Capable of being mixed; mixable; as, water and alcohol are miscible in all proportions.

Miscitation (n.) Erroneous citation.

Miscite (v. t.) To cite erroneously.

Misclaim (n.) A mistaken claim.

Miscognizant (a.) Not cognizant; ignorant; not knowing.

Miscognize (v. t.) To fail to apprehend; to misunderstand.

Miscollocation (n.) Wrong collocation.

Miscolor (v. t.) To give a wrong color to; figuratively, to set forth erroneously or unfairly; as, to miscolor facts.

Miscomfort (n.) Discomfort.

Miscomprehend (v. t.) To get a wrong idea of or about; to misunderstand.

Miscomputation (n.) Erroneous computation; false reckoning.

Miscompute (v. t.) To compute erroneously.

Misconceit (n.) Misconception.

Misconceived (imp. & p. p.) of Misconceive

Misconceiving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Misconceive

Misconceive (v. t. & i.) To conceive wrongly; to interpret incorrectly; to receive a false notion of; to misjudge; to misapprehend.

Misconceiver (n.) One who misconceives.

Misconception (n.) Erroneous conception; false opinion; wrong understanding.

Misconclusion (n.) An erroneous inference or conclusion.

Misconduct (n.) Wrong conduct; bad behavior; mismanagement.

Misconduct (v. t.) To conduct amiss; to mismanage.

Misconduct (v. i.) To behave amiss.

Misconfident (a.) Having a mistaken confidence; wrongly trusting.

Misconjecture (n.) A wrong conjecture or guess.

Misconjecture (v. t. & i.) To conjecture wrongly.

Misconsecrate (v. t.) To consecrate amiss.

Misconsecration (n.) Wrong consecration.

Misconsequence (n.) A wrong consequence; a false deduction.

Misconstruable (a.) Such as can be misconstrued, as language or conduct.

Misconstruct (v. t.) To construct wrongly; to construe or interpret erroneously.

Misconstruction (n.) Erroneous construction; wrong interpretation.

Misconstrued (imp. & p. p.) of Misconstrue

Misconstruing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Misconstrue

Misconstrue (v. t.) To construe wrongly; to interpret erroneously.

Misconstruer (n.) One who misconstrues.

Miscontent (a.) Discontent.

Miscontinuance (n.) Discontinuance; also, continuance by undue process.

Miscopy (v. t.) To copy amiss.

Miscopy (n.) A mistake in copying.

Miscorrect (v. t.) To fail or err in attempting to correct.

Miscounsel (v. t.) To counsel or advise wrongly.

Miscount (v. t. & i.) To count erroneously.

Miscount (n.) An erroneous counting.

Miscovet (v. t.) To covet wrongfully.

Miscreance (n.) Alt. of Miscreancy

Miscreancy (n.) The quality of being miscreant; adherence to a false religion; false faith.

Miscreant (n.) One who holds a false religious faith; a misbeliever.

Miscreant (n.) One not restrained by Christian principles; an unscrupulous villain; a while wretch.

Miscreant (a.) Holding a false religious faith.

Miscreant (a.) Destitute of conscience; unscrupulous.

Miscreate (a.) Miscreated; illegitimate; forged; as, miscreate titles.

Miscreate (v. t.) To create badly or amiss.

Miscreated (a.) Formed unnaturally or illegitimately; deformed.

Miscreative (a.) Creating amiss.

Miscredent (n.) A miscreant, or believer in a false religious doctrine.

Miscredulity (n.) Wrong credulity or belief; misbelief.

Miscue (n.) A false stroke with a billiard cue, the cue slipping from the ball struck without impelling it as desired.

Misdated (imp. & p. p.) of Misdate

Misdating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Misdate

Misdate (v. t.) To date erroneously.

Misdealt (imp. & p. p.) of Misdeal

Misdealing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Misdeal

Misdeal (v. t. & i.) To deal or distribute wrongly, as cards; to make a wrong distribution.

Misdeal (n.) The act of misdealing; a wrong distribution of cards to the players.

Misdeed (n.) An evil deed; a wicked action.

Misdeem (v. t.) To misjudge.

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