Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter I - Page 63

Interrogatee (n.) One who is interrogated.

Interrogation (n.) The act of interrogating or questioning; examination by questions; inquiry.

Interrogation (n.) A question put; an inquiry.

Interrogation (n.) A point, mark, or sign, thus [?], indicating that the sentence with which it is connected is a question. It is used to express doubt, or to mark a query. Called also interrogation point.

Interrogative (a.) Denoting a question; expressed in the form of a question; as, an interrogative sentence; an interrogative pronoun.

Interrogative (n.) A word used in asking questions; as, who? which? why?

Interrogatively (adv.) In the form of, or by means of, a question; in an interrogative manner.

Interrogator (n.) One who asks questions; a questioner.

Interrogatories (pl. ) of Interrogatory

Interrogatory (n.) A formal question or inquiry; esp. (Law), a question asked in writing.

Interrogatory (a.) Containing, expressing, or implying a question; as, an interrogatory sentence.

Interrupted (imp. & p. p.) of Interrupt

Interrupting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interrupt

Interrupt (v. t.) To break into, or between; to stop, or hinder by breaking in upon the course or progress of; to interfere with the current or motion of; to cause a temporary cessation of; as, to interrupt the remarks speaking.

Interrupt (v. t.) To divide; to separate; to break the monotony of; as, the evenness of the road was not interrupted by a single hill.

Interrupt (p. a.) Broken; interrupted.

Interrupted (a.) Broken; intermitted; suddenly stopped.

Interrupted (a.) Irregular; -- said of any arrangement whose symmetry is destroyed by local causes, as when leaflets are interposed among the leaves in a pinnate leaf.

Interruptedly (adv.) With breaks or interruptions; discontinuously.

Interrupter (n.) One who, or that which, interrupts.

Interrupter (n.) A device for opening and closing an electrical circuit; a vibrating spring or tuning fork, arranged to make and break a circuit at rapidly recurring intervals, by the action of the current itself.

Interruption (n.) The act of interrupting, or breaking in upon.

Interruption (n.) The state of being interrupted; a breach or break, caused by the abrupt intervention of something foreign; intervention; interposition.

Interruption (n.) Obstruction caused by breaking in upon course, current, progress, or motion; stop; hindrance; as, the author has met with many interruptions in the execution of his work; the speaker or the argument proceeds without interruption.

Interruption (n.) Temporary cessation; intermission; suspension.

Interruptive (a.) Tending to interrupt; interrupting.

Interscapular (a.) Between the scapulae or shoulder blades.

Interscapular (a.) Pertaining to the upper back, or the part between the shoulders; as, the interscapular feathers.

Interscapulars (n. pl.) The interscapular feathers of a bird.

Interscendent (a.) Having exponents which are radical quantities; -- said of certain powers; as, xÃ2, or xÃa.

Interscinded (imp. & p. p.) of Interscind

Interscinding (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interscind

Interscind (v. t.) To cut off.

Interscribed (imp. & p. p.) of Interscribe

Interscribing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Interscribe

Interscribe (v. t.) To write between.

Intersecant (a.) Dividing into parts; crossing; intersecting.

Intersected (imp. & p. p.) of Intersect

Intersecting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intersect

Intersect (v. t.) To cut into or between; to cut or cross mutually; to divide into parts; as, any two diameters of a circle intersect each other at the center.

Intersect (v. i.) To cut into one another; to meet and cross each other; as, the point where two lines intersect.

Intersection (n.) The act, state, or place of intersecting.

Intersection (n.) The point or line in which one line or surface cuts another.

Intersectional (a.) Pertaining to, or formed by, intersections.

Interseminate (v. t.) To sow between or among.

Interseptal (a.) Between septa; as, the interseptal spaces or zones, between the transparent, or septal, zones in striated muscle; the interseptal chambers of a shell, or of a seed vessel.

Interserted (imp. & p. p.) of Intersert

Interserting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intersert

Intersert (v. t.) To put in between other things; to insert.

Interserttion (n.) The act of interserting, or that which is interserted.

Intersesamoid (a.) Between sesamoid bones; as, intersesamoid ligaments.

Interset (v. t.) To set between or among.

Intershock (v. t.) To shock mutually.

Intersidereal (a.) Between or among constellations or stars; interstellar.

Intersocial (a.) Pertaining to the mutual intercourse or relations of persons in society; social.

Intersomnious (a.) Between the times of sleeping; in an interval of wakefulness.

Interspace (n.) Intervening space.

Interspeech (n.) A speech interposed between others.

Interspersed (imp. & p. p.) of Intersperse

Interspersing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Intersperse

Intersperse (v. t.) To scatter or set here and there among other things; to insert at intervals; as, to intersperse pictures in a book.

Intersperse (v. t.) To diversify or adorn with things set or scattered at intervals; to place something at intervals in or among; as, to intersperse a book with pictures.

Interspersion (n.) The act of interspersing, or the state of being interspersed.

Interspinal (a.) Alt. of Interspinous

Interspinous (a.) Between spines; esp., between the spinous processes of the vertebral column.

Interspiration (n.) Spiritual inspiration at separate times, or at intervals.

Interstapedial (a.) Pertaining to a part of the columella of the ear, between the stapes and the mediostapedial.

Interstapedial (n.) The interstapedial part of the columella.

Interstate (a.) Pertaining to the mutual relations of States; existing between, or including, different States; as, interstate commerce.

Interstellar (a.) Between or among the stars; as, interstellar space.

Interstellary (a.) Interstellar.

Intersternal (a.) Between the sternal; -- said of certain membranes or parts of insects and crustaceans.

Interstices (pl. ) of Interstice

Interstice (n.) That which intervenes between one thing and another; especially, a space between things closely set, or between the parts which compose a body; a narrow chink; a crack; a crevice; a hole; an interval; as, the interstices of a wall.

Interstice (n.) An interval of time; specifically (R. C. Ch.), in the plural, the intervals which the canon law requires between the reception of the various degrees of orders.

Intersticed (a.) Provided with interstices; having interstices between; situated at intervals.

Interstinctive (a.) Distinguishing.

Interstitial (a.) Of or pertaining to interstices; intermediate; within the tissues; as, interstitial cavities or spaces in the tissues of animals or plants.

Interstition (n.) An intervening period of time; interval.

Interstratification (n.) Stratification among or between other layers or strata; also, that which is interstratified.

Interstratified (a.) Stratified among or between other bodies; as, interstratified rocks.

Interstratify (v. t.) To put or insert between other strata.

Intertalk (v. i.) To converse.

Intertangle (v. t.) To entangle; to intertwine.

Intertarsal (a.) Between the tarsal bones; as, the intertarsal articulations.

Intertex (v. t.) To intertwine; to weave or bind together.

Intertexture (n.) The act of interweaving, or the state of being interwoven; that which is interwoven.

Interthoracic (a.) In the thorax.

Intertie (n.) In any framed work, a horizontal tie other than sill and plate or other principal ties, securing uprights to one another.

Intertissued (a.) Interwoven.

Intertraffic (n.) Mutual trade of traffic.

Intertranspicuous (a.) Transpicuous within or between.

Intertransverse (a.) Between the transverse processes of the vertebrae.

Intertrigo (n.) A rubbing or chafing of the skin; especially, an abrasion or excoriation of the skin between folds, as in fat or neglected children.

Intertrochanteric (a.) Between the trochanters of the femur.

Intertropical (a.) Situated between or within the tropics.

Intertubular (a.) Between tubes or tubules; as, intertubular cells; intertubular substance.

Intertwine (v. t.) To unite by twining one with another; to entangle; to interlace.

Intertwine (v. i.) To be twined or twisted together; to become mutually involved or enfolded.

Intertwine (n.) The act intertwining, or the state of being intertwined.

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