Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter E - Page 8

Eelpot (n.) A boxlike structure with funnel-shaped traps for catching eels; an eelbuck.

Eelpout (n.) A European fish (Zoarces viviparus), remarkable for producing living young; -- called also greenbone, guffer, bard, and Maroona eel. Also, an American species (Z. anguillaris), -- called also mutton fish, and, erroneously, congo eel, ling, and lamper eel. Both are edible, but of little value.

Eelpout (n.) A fresh-water fish, the burbot.

Eelspear (n.) A spear with barbed forks for spearing eels.

E'en (adv.) A contraction for even. See Even.

Een (n.) The old plural of Eye.

E'er (adv.) A contraction for ever. See Ever.

Eerie (a.) Alt. of Eery

Eery (a.) Serving to inspire fear, esp. a dread of seeing ghosts; wild; weird; as, eerie stories.

Eery (a.) Affected with fear; affrighted.

Eerily (adv.) In a strange, unearthly way.

Eerisome (a.) Causing fear; eerie.

Eet (obs. imp.) of Eat.

Effable (a.) Capable of being uttered or explained; utterable.

Effaced (imp. & p. p.) of Efface

Effacing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Efface

Efface (v. t.) To cause to disappear (as anything impresses or inscribed upon a surface) by rubbing out, striking out, etc.; to erase; to render illegible or indiscernible; as, to efface the letters on a monument, or the inscription on a coin.

Efface (v. t.) To destroy, as a mental impression; to wear away.

Effaceable (a.) Capable of being effaced.

Effacement (n.) The act if effacing; also, the result of the act.

Effascinate (v. t.) To charm; to bewitch.

Effascination (n.) A charming; state of being bewitched or deluded.

Effect (n.) Execution; performance; realization; operation; as, the law goes into effect in May.

Effect (n.) Manifestation; expression; sign.

Effect (n.) In general: That which is produced by an agent or cause; the event which follows immediately from an antecedent, called the cause; result; consequence; outcome; fruit; as, the effect of luxury.

Effect (n.) Impression left on the mind; sensation produced.

Effect (n.) Power to produce results; efficiency; force; importance; account; as, to speak with effect.

Effect (n.) Consequence intended; purpose; meaning; general intent; -- with to.

Effect (n.) The purport; the sum and substance.

Effect (n.) Reality; actual meaning; fact, as distinguished from mere appearance.

Effect (n.) Goods; movables; personal estate; -- sometimes used to embrace real as well as personal property; as, the people escaped from the town with their effects.

Effected (imp. & p. p.) of Effect

Effecting (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Effect

Effect (v. t.) To produce, as a cause or agent; to cause to be.

Effect (v. t.) To bring to pass; to execute; to enforce; to achieve; to accomplish.

Effecter (n.) One who effects.

Effectible (a.) Capable of being done or achieved; practicable; feasible.

Effection (n.) Creation; a doing.

Effective (a.) Having the power to produce an effect or effects; producing a decided or decisive effect; efficient; serviceable; operative; as, an effective force, remedy, speech; the effective men in a regiment.

Effective (n.) That which produces a given effect; a cause.

Effective (n.) One who is capable of active service.

Effective (n.) Specie or coin, as distinguished from paper currency; -- a term used in many parts of Europe.

Effectively (adv.) With effect; powerfully; completely; thoroughly.

Effectiveness (n.) The quality of being effective.

Effectless (a.) Without effect or advantage; useless; bootless.

Effector (n.) An effecter.

Effectual (n.) Producing, or having adequate power or force to produce, an intended effect; adequate; efficient; operative; decisive.

Effectually (adv.) With effect; efficaciously.

Effectually (adv.) Actually; in effect.

Effectualness (n.) The quality of being effectual.

Effectuated (imp. & p. p.) of Effectuate

Effectuating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Effectuate

Effectuate (v. t.) To bring to pass; to effect; to achieve; to accomplish; to fulfill.

Effectuation (n.) Act of effectuating.

Effectuose (a.) Alt. of Effectuous

Effectuous (a.) Effective.

Effectuously (adv.) Effectively.

Effeminacies (pl. ) of Effeminacy

Effeminacy (n.) Characteristic quality of a woman, such as softness, luxuriousness, delicacy, or weakness, which is unbecoming a man; womanish delicacy or softness; -- used reproachfully of men.

Effeminate (a.) Having some characteristic of a woman, as delicacy, luxuriousness, etc.; soft or delicate to an unmanly degree; womanish; weak.

Effeminate (a.) Womanlike; womanly; tender; -- in a good sense.

Effeminated (imp. & p. p.) of Effeminate

Effeminating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Effeminate

Effeminate (v. t.) To make womanish; to make soft and delicate; to weaken.

Effeminate (v. i.) To grow womanish or weak.

Effeminately (adv.) In an effeminate or womanish manner; weakly; softly; delicately.

Effeminately (adv.) By means of a woman; by the power or art of a woman.

Effeminateness (n.) The state of being effeminate; unmanly softness.

Effemination (n.) Effeminacy; womanishness.

Effeminize (v. t.) To make effeminate.

Effendi (n.) Master; sir; -- a title of a Turkish state official and man of learning, especially one learned in the law.

Efferent (a.) Conveying outward, or discharging; -- applied to certain blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves, etc.

Efferent (a.) Conveyed outward; as, efferent impulses, i. e., such as are conveyed by the motor or efferent nerves from the central nervous organ outwards; -- opposed to afferent.

Efferent (n.) An efferent duct or stream.

Efferous (a.) Like a wild beast; fierce.

Effervesced (imp. & p. p.) of Effervesce

Effervescing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Effervesce

Effervesce (v. i.) To be in a state of natural ebullition; to bubble and hiss, as fermenting liquors, or any fluid, when some part escapes in a gaseous form.

Effervesce (v. i.) To exhibit, in lively natural expression, feelings that can not be repressed or concealed; as, to effervesce with joy or merriment.

Effervescence (n.) Alt. of Effervescency

Effervescency (n.) A kind of natural ebullition; that commotion of a fluid which takes place when some part of the mass flies off in a gaseous form, producing innumerable small bubbles; as, the effervescence of a carbonate with citric acid.

Effervescent (a.) Gently boiling or bubbling, by means of the disengagement of gas

Effervescible (a.) Capable of effervescing.

Effervescive (a.) Tending to produce effervescence.

Effet (n.) The common newt; -- called also asker, eft, evat, and ewt.

Effete (a.) No longer capable of producing young, as an animal, or fruit, as the earth; hence, worn out with age; exhausted of energy; incapable of efficient action; no longer productive; barren; sterile.

Efficacious (n.) Possessing the quality of being effective; productive of, or powerful to produce, the effect intended; as, an efficacious law.

Efficacity (n.) Efficacy.

Efficacy (n.) Power to produce effects; operation or energy of an agent or force; production of the effect intended; as, the efficacy of medicine in counteracting disease; the efficacy of prayer.

Efficience (n.) Alt. of Efficiency

Efficiency (n.) The quality of being efficient or producing an effect or effects; efficient power; effectual agency.

Efficiency (n.) The ratio of useful work to energy expended.

Efficient (n.) Causing effects; producing results; that makes the effect to be what it is; actively operative; not inactive, slack, or incapable; characterized by energetic and useful activity; as, an efficient officer, power.

Efficient (n.) An efficient cause; a prime mover.

Efficiently (adv.) With effect; effectively.

Effierce (v. t.) To make fierce.

Effigial (a.) Relating to an effigy.

Effigiate (v. t.) To form as an effigy; hence, to fashion; to adapt.

Effigiation (n.) The act of forming in resemblance; an effigy.

Effigies (n.) See Effigy.

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