Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter E - Page 42

Epimera (pl. ) of Epimeron

Epimeron (n.) In crustaceans: The part of the side of a somite external to the basal joint of each appendage.

Epimeron (n.) In insects: The lateral piece behind the episternum.

Epinastic (a.) A term applied to that phase of vegetable growth in which an organ grows more rapidly on its upper than on its under surface. See Hyponastic.

Epineural (a.) Arising from the neurapophysis of a vertebra.

Epineurium (n.) The connective tissue framework and sheath of a nerve which bind together the nerve bundles, each of which has its own special sheath, or perineurium.

Epinglette (n.) An iron needle for piercing the cartridge of a cannon before priming.

Epinicial (a.) Relating to victory.

Epinicion (n.) A song of triumph.

Epinikian (a.) Epinicial.

Epiornis (n.) One of the gigantic ostrichlike birds of the genus Aepiornis, only recently extinct. Its remains have been found in Madagascar.

Epiotic (n.) The upper and outer element of periotic bone, -- in man forming a part of the temporal bone.

Epipedometry (n.) The mensuration of figures standing on the same base.

Epiperipheral (a.) Connected with, or having its origin upon, the external surface of the body; -- especially applied to the feelings which originate at the extremities of nerves distributed on the outer surface, as the sensation produced by touching an object with the finger; -- opposed to entoperipheral.

Epipetalous (a.) Borne on the petals or corolla.

Epiphany (n.) An appearance, or a becoming manifest.

Epiphany (n.) A church festival celebrated on the 6th of January, the twelfth day after Christmas, in commemoration of the visit of the Magi of the East to Bethlehem, to see and worship the child Jesus; or, as others maintain, to commemorate the appearance of the star to the Magi, symbolizing the manifestation of Christ to the Gentles; Twelfthtide.

Epipharyngeal (a.) Pertaining to the segments above the epibranchial in the branchial arches of fishes.

Epipharyngeal (n.) An epipharyngeal bone or cartilage.

Epipharynx (n.) A structure which overlaps the mouth of certain insects.

Epiphonema (n.) An exclamatory sentence, or striking reflection, which sums up or concludes a discourse.

Epiphoneme (n.) Epiphonema.

Epiphora (n.) The watery eye; a disease in which the tears accumulate in the eye, and trickle over the cheek.

Epiphora (n.) The emphatic repetition of a word or phrase, at the end of several sentences or stanzas.

Epiphragm (n.) A membranaceous or calcareous septum with which some mollusks close the aperture of the shell during the time of hibernation, or aestivation.

Epiphylospermous (a.) Bearing fruit on the back of the leaves, as ferns.

Epiphyllous (a.) Growing upon, or inserted into, the leaf.

Epiphyllum (n.) A genus of cactaceous plants having flattened, jointed stems, and petals united in a tube. The flowers are very showy, and several species are in cultivation.

Epiphyseal () Alt. of Epiphysial

Epiphysial () Pertaining to, or having the nature of, an epiphysis.

Epiphyses (pl. ) of Epiphysis

Epiphysis (n.) The end, or other superficial part, of a bone, which ossifies separately from the central portion, or diaphysis.

Epiphysis (n.) The cerebral epiphysis, or pineal gland. See Pineal gland, under Pineal.

Epiphytal (a.) Pertaining to an epiphyte.

Epiphyte (n.) An air plant which grows on other plants, but does not derive its nourishment from them. See Air plant.

Epiphyte (n.) A vegetable parasite growing on the surface of the body.

Epiphytic (a.) Alt. of Epiphytical

Epiphytical (a.) Pertaining to, or having the nature of, an epiphyte.

Epiplastra (pl. ) of Epiplastron

Epiplastron (n.) One of the first pair of lateral plates in the plastron of turtles.

Epipleural (a.) Arising from the pleurapophysis of a vertebra.

Epiplexis (n.) A figure by which a person seeks to convince and move by an elegant kind of upbraiding.

Epiploce (n.) A figure by which one striking circumstance is added, in due gradation, to another; climax; e. g., "He not only spared his enemies, but continued them in employment; not only continued, but advanced them."

Epiploic (a.) Relating to the epiploon.

Epiploa (pl. ) of Epiploon

Epiploon (n.) See Omentum.

Epipodial (a.) Pertaining to the epipodialia or the parts of the limbs to which they belong.

Epipodial (a.) Pertaining to the epipodium of Mollusca.

Epipodialia (pl. ) of Epipodiale

Epipodiale (n.) One of the bones of either the forearm or shank, the epipodialia being the radius, ulna, tibia, and fibula.

Epipodite (n.) The outer branch of the legs in certain Crustacea. See Maxilliped.

Epipodia (pl. ) of Epipodium

Epipodium (n.) One of the lateral lobes of the foot in certain gastropods.

Epipolic (a.) Producing, or relating to, epipolism or fluorescence.

Epipolism (n.) See Fluorescence.

Epipolized (a.) Changed to the epipolic condition, or that in which the phenomenon of fluorescence is presented; produced by fluorescence; as, epipolized light.

Epipteric (a.) Pertaining to a small Wormian bone sometimes present in the human skull between the parietal and the great wing of the sphenoid.

Epipteric (n.) The epipteric bone.

Epipterygoid (a.) Situated upon or above the pterygoid bone.

Epipterygoid (n.) An epipterygoid bone or cartilage; the columella in the skulls of many lizards.

Epipubic (a.) Relating to the epipubis.

Epipubes (pl. ) of Epipubis

Epipubis (n.) A cartilage or bone in front of the pubis in some amphibians and other animals.

Episcopacy (n.) Government of the church by bishops; church government by three distinct orders of ministers -- bishops, priests, and deacons -- of whom the bishops have an authority superior and of a different kind.

Episcopal (a.) Governed by bishops; as, an episcopal church.

Episcopal (a.) Belonging to, or vested in, bishops; as, episcopal jurisdiction or authority; the episcopal system.

Episcopalian (a.) Pertaining to bishops, or government by bishops; episcopal; specifically, of or relating to the Protestant Episcopal Church.

Episcopalian (n.) One who belongs to an episcopal church, or adheres to the episcopal form of church government and discipline; a churchman; specifically, in the United States, a member of the Protestant Episcopal Church.

Episcopalianism (n.) The doctrine and usages of Episcopalians; episcopacy.

Episcopally (adv.) By episcopal authority; in an episcopal manner.

Episcopant (n.) A bishop.

Episcoparian (a.) Episcopal.

Episcopate (n.) A bishopric; the office and dignity of a bishop.

Episcopate (n.) The collective body of bishops.

Episcopate (n.) The time of a bishop's rule.

Episcopated (imp. & p. p.) of Episcopate

Episcopating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Episcopate

Episcopate (v. i.) To act as a bishop; to fill the office of a prelate.

Episcopicide (n.) The killing of a bishop.

Episcopize (v. t.) To make a bishop of by consecration.

Episcopize (v. i.) To perform the duties of a bishop.

Episcopy (n.) Survey; superintendence.

Episcopy (n.) Episcopacy.

Episepalous (a.) Growing on the sepals or adnate to them.

Episkeletal (a.) Above or outside of the endoskeleton; epaxial.

Episodal (a.) Same as Episodic.

Episode (n.) A separate incident, story, or action, introduced for the purpose of giving a greater variety to the events related; an incidental narrative, or digression, separable from the main subject, but naturally arising from it.

Episodial (a.) Pertaining to an episode; by way of episode; episodic.

Episodic (a.) Alt. of Episodical

Episodical (a.) Of or pertaining to an episode; adventitious.

Epispadias (n.) A deformity in which the urethra opens upon the top of the penis, instead of at its extremity.

Epispastic (a.) Attracting the humors to the skin; exciting action in the skin; blistering.

Epispastic (n.) An external application to the skin, which produces a puriform or serous discharge by exciting inflammation; a vesicatory.

Episperm (n.) The skin or coat of a seed, especially the outer coat. See Testa.

Epispermic (a.) Pertaining, or belonging, to the episperm, or covering of a seed.

Epispore (n.) The thickish outer coat of certain spores.

Epistaxis (n.) Bleeding at the nose.

Epistemology (n.) The theory or science of the method or grounds of knowledge.

Episternal (a.) Of or pertaining to the episternum.

Episterna (pl. ) of Episternum

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