Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter C - Page 34

Centre (v. t.) To form a recess or indentation for the reception of a center.

Centerbit (n.) Alt. of Centrebit

Centrebit (n.) An instrument turning on a center, for boring holes. See Bit, n., 3.

Centerboard (n.) Alt. of Centreboard

Centreboard (n.) A movable or sliding keel formed of a broad board or slab of wood or metal which may be raised into a water-tight case amidships, when in shallow water, or may be lowered to increase the area of lateral resistance and prevent leeway when the vessel is beating to windward. It is used in vessels of all sizes along the coast of the United States

Centerfire cartridge () See under Cartridge.

Centering (n.) Same as Center, n., 6.

Centerpiece (n.) Alt. of Centrepiece

Centrepiece (n.) An ornament to be placed in the center, as of a table, ceiling, atc.; a central article or figure.

Centesimal (a.) Hundredth.

Centesimal (n.) A hundredth part.

Centesimation (n.) The infliction of the death penalty upon one person in every hundred, as in cases of mutiny.

Centesm (n.) Hundredth.

-mi (pl. ) of Centesimo

Centesimo (n.) A copper coin of Italy and Spain equivalent to a centime.

Centiare (n.) See centare.

Centicipitous (a.) Hundred-headed.

Centifidous (a.) Divided into a hundred parts.

Centifolious (a.) Having a hundred leaves.

Centigrade (a.) Consisting of a hundred degrees; graduated into a hundred divisions or equal parts.

Centigrade (a.) Of or pertaining to the centigrade thermometer; as, 10¡ centigrade (or 10¡ C.).

Centigram (n.) Alt. of Centigramme

Centigramme (n.) The hundredth part of a gram; a weight equal to .15432 of a grain. See Gram.

Centiliter (n.) Alt. of Centilitre

Centilitre (n.) The hundredth part of a liter; a measure of volume or capacity equal to a little more than six tenths (0.6102) of a cubic inch, or one third (0.338) of a fluid ounce.

Centiloquy (n.) A work divided into a hundred parts.

Centime (n.) The hundredth part of a franc; a small French copper coin and money of account.

Centimeter (n.) Alt. of Centimetre

Centimetre (n.) The hundredth part of a meter; a measure of length equal to rather more than thirty-nine hundredths (0.3937) of an inch. See Meter.

Centinel (n.) Sentinel.

Centinody (n.) A weed with a stem of many joints (Illecebrum verticillatum); also, the Polygonum aviculare or knotgrass.

Centiped (n.) A species of the Myriapoda; esp. the large, flattened, venomous kinds of the order Chilopoda, found in tropical climates. they are many-jointed, and have a great number of feet.

Centistere (n.) The hundredth part of a stere, equal to .353 cubic feet.

Centner (n.) A weight divisible first into a hundred parts, and then into smaller parts.

Centner (n.) The commercial hundredweight in several of the continental countries, varying in different places from 100 to about 112 pounds.

Centos (pl. ) of Cento

Cento (n.) A literary or a musical composition formed by selections from different authors disposed in a new order.

Centonism (n.) The composition of a cento; the act or practice of composing a cento or centos.

Central (a.) Relating to the center; situated in or near the center or middle; containing the center; of or pertaining to the parts near the center; equidistant or equally accessible from certain points.

Central (n.) Alt. of Centrale

Centrale (n.) The central, or one of the central, bones of the carpus or or tarsus. In the tarsus of man it is represented by the navicular.

Centralism (n.) The state or condition of being central; the combination of several parts into one whole; centralization.

Centralism (n.) The system by which power is centralized, as in a government.

Centralities (pl. ) of Centrality

Centrality (n.) The state of being central; tendency towards a center.

Centralization (n.) The act or process of centralizing, or the state of being centralized; the act or process of combining or reducing several parts into a whole; as, the centralization of power in the general government; the centralization of commerce in a city.

Centralized (imp. & p. p.) of Centralize

Centralizing (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Centralize

Centralize (v. t.) To draw or bring to a center point; to gather into or about a center; to bring into one system, or under one control.

Centrally (adv.) In a central manner or situation.

Centre (n. & v.) See Center.

Centric (a.) Alt. of Centrical

Centrical (a.) Placed in the center or middle; central.

Centricity (n.) The state or quality of being centric; centricalness.

Centrifugal (a.) Tending, or causing, to recede from the center.

Centrifugal (a.) Expanding first at the summit, and later at the base, as a flower cluster.

Centrifugal (a.) Having the radicle turned toward the sides of the fruit, as some embryos.

Centrifugal (n.) A centrifugal machine.

Centrifugence (n.) The property or quality of being centrifugal.

Centring (n.) See Centring.

Centripetal (a.) Tending, or causing, to approach the center.

Centripetal (a.) Expanding first at the base of the inflorescence, and proceeding in order towards the summit.

Centripetal (a.) Having the radicle turned toward the axis of the fruit, as some embryos.

Centripetal (a.) Progressing by changes from the exterior of a thing toward its center; as, the centripetal calcification of a bone.

Centripetence (n.) Centripetency.

Centripetency (n.) Tendency toward the center.

Centriscoid (a.) Allied to, or resembling, the genus Centriscus, of which the bellows fish is an example.

Centrobaric (a.) Relating to the center of gravity, or to the process of finding it.

Centrode (n.) In two figures having relative motion, one of the two curves which are the loci of the instantaneous center.

Centroid (n.) The center of mass, inertia, or gravity of a body or system of bodies.

Centrolecithal (a.) Having the food yolk placed at the center of the ovum, segmentation being either regular or unequal.

Centrolinead (n.) An instrument for drawing lines through a point, or lines converging to a center.

Centrolineal (a.) Converging to a center; -- applied to lines drawn so as to meet in a point or center.

Centrosome (n.) A peculiar rounded body lying near the nucleus of a cell. It is regarded as the dynamic element by means of which the machinery of cell division is organized.

Centrostaltic (a.) A term applied to the action of nerve force in the spinal center.

Centrums (pl. ) of Centrum

Centra (pl. ) of Centrum

Centrum (n.) The body, or axis, of a vertebra. See Vertebra.

Centry (n.) See Sentry.

Centumviri (pl. ) of Centumvir

Centumvir (n.) One of a court of about one hundred judges chosen to try civil suits. Under the empire the court was increased to 180, and met usually in four sections.

Centumviral (a.) Of or pertaining to the centumviri, or to a centumvir.

Centumvirate (n.) The office of a centumvir, or of the centumviri.

Centuple (a.) Hundredfold.

Centuple (v. t.) To increase a hundredfold.

Centuplicated (imp. & p. p.) of Centuplicate

Centuplicating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Centuplicate

Centuplicate (a.) To make a hundredfold; to repeat a hundred times.

Centurial (a.) Of or pertaining to a century; as, a centurial sermon.

Centuriate (a.) Pertaining to, or divided into, centuries or hundreds.

Centuriate (v. t.) To divide into hundreds.

Centuriator (n.) Alt. of Centurist

Centurist (n.) An historian who distinguishes time by centuries, esp. one of those who wrote the "Magdeburg Centuries." See under Century.

Centurion (n.) A military officer who commanded a minor division of the Roman army; a captain of a century.

Centuries (pl. ) of Century

Century (n.) A hundred; as, a century of sonnets; an aggregate of a hundred things.

Century (n.) A period of a hundred years; as, this event took place over two centuries ago.

Century (n.) A division of the Roman people formed according to their property, for the purpose of voting for civil officers.

Century (n.) One of sixty companies into which a legion of the army was divided. It was Commanded by a centurion.

Cepevorous (a.) Feeding upon onions.

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