Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter A - Page 73

Antithet (n.) An antithetic or contrasted statement.

Antithetic (a.) Alt. of Antithetical

Antithetical (a.) Pertaining to antithesis, or opposition of words and sentiments; containing, or of the nature of, antithesis; contrasted.

Antithetically (adv.) By way antithesis.

Antitoxin (n.) Alt. of Antitoxine

Antitoxine (n.) A substance (sometimes the product of a specific micro-organism and sometimes naturally present in the blood or tissues of an animal), capable of producing immunity from certain diseases, or of counteracting the poisonous effects of pathogenic bacteria.

Anti-trade (n.) A tropical wind blowing steadily in a direction opposite to the trade wind.

Antitragus (n.) A prominence on the lower posterior portion of the concha of the external ear, opposite the tragus. See Ear.

Antitrochanter (n.) An articular surface on the ilium of birds against which the great trochanter of the femur plays.

Antitropal (a.) Alt. of Antitropous

Antitropous (a.) At the extremity most remote from the hilum, as the embryo, or inverted with respect to the seed, as the radicle.

Antitypal (a.) Antitypical.

Antitype (n.) That of which the type is the pattern or representation; that which is represented by the type or symbol.

Antitypical (a.) Of or pertaining to an antitype; explaining the type.

Antitypous (a.) Resisting blows; hard.

Antitypy (n.) Opposition or resistance of matter to force.

Antivaccination (n.) Opposition to vaccination.

Antivaccinationist (n.) An antivaccinist.

Antivaccinist (n.) One opposed to vaccination.

Antivariolous (a.) Preventing the contagion of smallpox.

Antivenereal (a.) Good against venereal poison; antisyphilitic.

Antivivisection (n.) Opposition to vivisection.

Antivivisectionist (n.) One opposed to vivisection

Antizymic (a.) Preventing fermentation.

Antizymotic (a.) Preventing fermentation or decomposition.

Antizymotic (n.) An agent so used.

Antler (n.) The entire horn, or any branch of the horn, of a cervine animal, as of a stag.

Antlered (a.) Furnished with antlers.

Antilae (pl. ) of Antlia

Antlia (n.) The spiral tubular proboscis of lepidopterous insects. See Lepidoptera.

Ant-lion (n.) A neuropterous insect, the larva of which makes in the sand a pitfall to capture ants, etc. The common American species is Myrmeleon obsoletus, the European is M. formicarius.

Antoeci (n. pl) Alt. of Antoecians

Antoecians (n. pl) Those who live under the same meridian, but on opposite parallels of latitude, north and south of the equator.

Antonomasia (n.) The use of some epithet or the name of some office, dignity, or the like, instead of the proper name of the person; as when his majesty is used for a king, or when, instead of Aristotle, we say, the philosopher; or, conversely, the use of a proper name instead of an appellative, as when a wise man is called a Solomon, or an eminent orator a Cicero.

Antonomastic (a.) Pertaining to, or characterized by, antonomasia.

Antonomasy (n.) Antonomasia.

Antonym (n.) A word of opposite meaning; a counterterm; -- used as a correlative of synonym.

Antorbital (a.) Pertaining to, or situated in, the region of the front of the orbit.

Antorbital (n.) The antorbital bone.

Antorgastic (a.) See Antiorgastic.

Antozone (n.) A compound formerly supposed to be modification of oxygen, but now known to be hydrogen dioxide; -- so called because apparently antagonistic to ozone, converting it into ordinary oxygen.

Antral (a.) Relating to an antrum.

Antre (n.) A cavern.

Antrorse (a.) Forward or upward in direction.

Antrovert (v. t.) To bend forward.

Antra (pl. ) of Antrum

Antrum (n.) A cavern or cavity, esp. an anatomical cavity or sinus

Antrustion (n.) A vassal or voluntary follower of Frankish princes in their enterprises

Ant thrush () One of several species of tropical birds, of the Old World, of the genus Pitta, somewhat resembling the thrushes, and feeding chiefly on ants.

Ant thrush () See Ant bird, under Ant.

Anubis (n.) An Egyptian deity, the conductor of departed spirits, represented by a human figure with the head of a dog or fox.

Anura (n. pl.) One of the orders of amphibians characterized by the absence of a tail, as the frogs and toads.

Anurous (a.) Destitute of a tail, as the frogs and toads.

Anury (n.) Nonsecretion or defective secretion of urine; ischury.

Anus (n.) The posterior opening of the alimentary canal, through which the excrements are expelled.

Anvil (n.) An iron block, usually with a steel face, upon which metals are hammered and shaped.

Anvil (n.) Anything resembling an anvil in shape or use.

Anvil (n.) the incus. See Incus.

Anvil (v. t.) To form or shape on an anvil; to hammer out; as, anviled armor.

Anxietude (n.) The state of being anxious; anxiety.

Anxieties (pl. ) of Anxiety

Anxiety (n.) Concern or solicitude respecting some thing or event, future or uncertain, which disturbs the mind, and keeps it in a state of painful uneasiness.

Anxiety (n.) Eager desire.

Anxiety (n.) A state of restlessness and agitation, often with general indisposition and a distressing sense of oppression at the epigastrium.

Anxious (a.) Full of anxiety or disquietude; greatly concerned or solicitous, esp. respecting something future or unknown; being in painful suspense; -- applied to persons; as, anxious for the issue of a battle.

Anxious (a.) Accompanied with, or causing, anxiety; worrying; -- applied to things; as, anxious labor.

Anxious (a.) Earnestly desirous; as, anxious to please.

Anxiously (adv.) In an anxious manner; with painful uncertainty; solicitously.

Anxiousness (n.) The quality of being anxious; great solicitude; anxiety.

Any (a. & pron.) One indifferently, out of an indefinite number; one indefinitely, whosoever or whatsoever it may be.

Any (a. & pron.) Some, of whatever kind, quantity, or number; as, are there any witnesses present? are there any other houses like it?

Any (adv.) To any extent; in any degree; at all.

Anybody (n.) Any one out of an indefinite number of persons; anyone; any person.

Anybody (n.) A person of consideration or standing.

Anyhow (adv.) In any way or manner whatever; at any rate; in any event.

Anyone (n.) One taken at random rather than by selection; anybody. [Commonly written as two words.]

Anything (n.) Any object, act, state, event, or fact whatever; thing of any kind; something or other; aught; as, I would not do it for anything.

Anything (n.) Expressing an indefinite comparison; -- with as or like.

Anything (adv.) In any measure; anywise; at all.

Anythingarian (n.) One who holds to no particular creed or dogma.

Anyway (adv.) Alt. of Anyways

Anyways (adv.) Anywise; at all.

Anywhere (adv.) In any place.

Anywhither (adv.) To or towards any place.

Anywise (adv.) In any wise or way; at all.

Aonian (a.) Pertaining to Aonia, in B/otia, or to the Muses, who were supposed to dwell there.

Aorist (n.) A tense in the Greek language, which expresses an action as completed in past time, but leaves it, in other respects, wholly indeterminate.

Aoristic (a.) Indefinite; pertaining to the aorist tense.

Aorta (n.) The great artery which carries the blood from the heart to all parts of the body except the lungs; the main trunk of the arterial system.

Aortic (a.) Of or pertaining to the aorta.

Aortitis (n.) Inflammation of the aorta.

Aoudad (n.) An African sheeplike quadruped (the Ammotragus tragelaphus) having a long mane on the breast and fore legs. It is, perhaps, the chamois of the Old Testament.

Apace (adv.) With a quick pace; quick; fast; speedily.

Apaches (n. pl.) A group of nomadic North American Indians including several tribes native of Arizona, New Mexico, etc.

Apagoge (n.) An indirect argument which proves a thing by showing the impossibility or absurdity of the contrary.

Apagogic (a.) Alt. of Apagogical

Apagogical (a.) Proving indirectly, by showing the absurdity, or impossibility of the contrary.

Apaid (a.) Paid; pleased.

Apair (v. t. & i.) To impair or become impaired; to injure.

Apalachian (a.) See Appalachian.

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