Webster's Unabridged Dictionary - Letter A - Page 68

Antedating (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Antedate

Antedate (v. t.) To date before the true time; to assign to an earlier date; thus, to antedate a deed or a bond is to give it a date anterior to the true time of its execution.

Antedate (v. t.) To precede in time.

Antedate (v. t.) To anticipate; to make before the true time.

Antediluvial (a.) Before the flood, or Deluge, in Noah's time.

Antediluvian (a.) Of or relating to the period before the Deluge in Noah's time; hence, antiquated; as, an antediluvian vehicle.

Antediluvian (n.) One who lived before the Deluge.

Antefact (n.) Something done before another act.

Antefixes (pl. ) of Antefix

Antefixa (pl. ) of Antefix

Antefix (n.) An ornament fixed upon a frieze.

Antefix (n.) An ornament at the eaves, concealing the ends of the joint tiles of the roof.

Antefix (n.) An ornament of the cymatium of a classic cornice, sometimes pierced for the escape of water.

Anteflexion (n.) A displacement forward of an organ, esp. the uterus, in such manner that its axis is bent upon itself.

Ant egg () One of the small white egg-shaped pupae or cocoons of the ant, often seen in or about ant-hills, and popularly supposed to be eggs.

Antelope (n.) One of a group of ruminant quadrupeds, intermediate between the deer and the goat. The horns are usually annulated, or ringed. There are many species in Africa and Asia.

Antelucan (a.) Held or being before light; -- a word applied to assemblies of Christians, in ancient times of persecution, held before light in the morning.

Antemeridian (a.) Being before noon; in or pertaining to the forenoon. (Abbrev. a. m.)

Antemetic (a.) Tending to check vomiting.

Antemetic (n.) A remedy to check or allay vomiting.

Antemosaic (a.) Being before the time of Moses.

Antemundane (a.) Being or occurring before the creation of the world.

Antemural (n.) An outwork of a strong, high wall, with turrets, in front of the gateway (as of an old castle), for defending the entrance.

Antenatal (a.) Before birth.

Antenicene (a.) Of or in the Christian church or era, anterior to the first council of Nice, held a. d. 325; as, antenicene faith.

Antennae (pl. ) of Antenna

Antenna (n.) A movable, articulated organ of sensation, attached to the heads of insects and Crustacea. There are two in the former, and usually four in the latter. They are used as organs of touch, and in some species of Crustacea the cavity of the ear is situated near the basal joint. In insects, they are popularly called horns, and also feelers. The term in also applied to similar organs on the heads of other arthropods and of annelids.

Antennal (a.) Belonging to the antennae.

Antenniferous (a.) Bearing or having antennae.

Antenniform (a.) Shaped like antennae.

Antennule (n.) A small antenna; -- applied to the smaller pair of antennae or feelers of Crustacea.

Antenumber (n.) A number that precedes another.

Antenuptial (a.) Preceding marriage; as, an antenuptial agreement.

Anteorbital (a. & n.) Same as Antorbital.

Antepaschal (a.) Pertaining to the time before the Passover, or before Easter.

Antepast (n.) A foretaste.

Antependium (n.) The hangings or screen in front of the altar; an altar cloth; the frontal.

Antepenult (n.) Alt. of Antepenultima

Antepenultima (n.) The last syllable of a word except two, as -syl- in monosyllable.

Antepenultimate (a.) Of or pertaining to the last syllable but two.

Antepenultimate (n.) The antepenult.

Antephialtic (a.) Good against nightmare.

Antephialtic (n.) A remedy nightmare.

Antepileptic (a.) Good against epilepsy.

Antepileptic (n.) A medicine for epilepsy.

Antepone (v. t.) To put before; to prefer.

Anteport (n.) An outer port, gate, or door.

Anteportico (n.) An outer porch or vestibule.

Anteposition (n.) The placing of a before another, which, by ordinary rules, ought to follow it.

Anteprandial (a.) Preceding dinner.

Antepredicament (n.) A prerequisite to a clear understanding of the predicaments and categories, such as definitions of common terms.

Anterior (a.) Before in time; antecedent.

Anterior (a.) Before, or toward the front, in place; as, the anterior part of the mouth; -- opposed to posterior.

Anteriority (n.) The state of being anterior or preceding in time or in situation; priority.

Anteriorly (adv.) In an anterior manner; before.

Anteroom (n.) A room before, or forming an entrance to, another; a waiting room.

Antero- () A combining form meaning anterior, front; as, antero-posterior, front and back; antero-lateral, front side, anterior and at the side.

Antes (n. pl.) Antae. See Anta.

Antestature (n.) A small intrenchment or work of palisades, or of sacks of earth.

Antestomach (n.) A cavity which leads into the stomach, as in birds.

Antetemple (n.) The portico, or narthex in an ancient temple or church.

Anteversion (n.) A displacement of an organ, esp. of the uterus, in such manner that its whole axis is directed further forward than usual.

Antevert (v. t.) To prevent.

Antevert (v. t.) To displace by anteversion.

Anthelia (pl. ) of Anthelion

Anthelion (n.) A halo opposite the sun, consisting of a colored ring or rings around the shadow of the spectator's own head, as projected on a cloud or on an opposite fog bank.

Anthelix (n.) Same as Antihelix.

Anthelmintic (a.) Good against intestinal worms.

Anthelmintic (n.) An anthelmintic remedy.

Anthem (n.) Formerly, a hymn sung in alternate parts, in present usage, a selection from the Psalms, or other parts of the Scriptures or the liturgy, set to sacred music.

Anthem (n.) A song or hymn of praise.

Anthem (v. t.) To celebrate with anthems.

Anthemion () A floral ornament. See Palmette

Anthemis (n.) Chamomile; a genus of composite, herbaceous plants.

Anthemwise (adv.) Alternately.

Anther (n.) That part of the stamen containing the pollen, or fertilizing dust, which, when mature, is emitted for the impregnation of the ovary.

Antheridia (pl. ) of Antheridium

Antheridium (n.) The male reproductive apparatus in the lower, consisting of a cell or other cavity in which spermatozoids are produced; -- called also spermary.

Antheriferous (a.) Producing anthers, as plants.

Antheriferous (a.) Supporting anthers, as a part of a flower.

Antheriform (a.) Shaped like an anther; anther-shaped.

Antherogenous (a.) Transformed from anthers, as the petals of a double flower.

Antheroid (a.) Resembling an anther.

Antherozoid (n.) Alt. of Antherozooid

Antherozooid (n.) One of the mobile male reproductive bodies in the antheridia of cryptogams.

Anthesis (n.) The period or state of full expansion in a flower.

Ant-hill (n.) A mound thrown up by ants or by termites in forming their nests.

Anthobian (n.) A beetle which feeds on flowers.

Anthobranchia (n. pl.) A division of nudibranchiate Mollusca, in which the gills form a wreath or cluster upon the posterior part of the back. See Nudibranchiata, and Doris.

Anthocarpous (a.) Having some portion of the floral envelopes attached to the pericarp to form the fruit, as in the checkerberry, the mulberry, and the pineapple.

Anthocyanin (n.) Same as Anthokyan.

Anthodium (n.) The inflorescence of a compound flower in which many florets are gathered into a involucrate head.

Anthography (n.) A description of flowers.

Anthoid (a.) Resembling a flower; flowerlike.

Anthokyan (n.) The blue coloring matter of certain flowers. Same as Cyanin.

Antholite (n.) A fossil plant, like a petrified flower.

Anthological (a.) Pertaining to anthology; consisting of beautiful extracts from different authors, especially the poets.

Anthologist (n.) One who compiles an anthology.

Anthology (n.) A discourse on flowers.

Anthology (n.) A collection of flowers; a garland.

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